This course is only available to UNISON members.

How Prejudiced am I? – Racism (Module 3 of 5)

How Prejudiced am I? – Tues. 16th June, Thurs. 18th June, Tues. 23rd June, Thurs. 25th & Fri. 26th June

This course is broken into stand alone modules each 2 hours long. Participants can register for any workshop and don’t need to complete them all however they will be required to complete session 1 before progressing to the other modules.

  1. Identity: A basic introduction to the elements that make up identity and how people prioritise and perceive these differently. This will include a basic introduction to the other elements to be covered in the other sessions and allow individuals to work through their unique identities in the context of N.I. –  Tues. 16th June 10am -12pm
  2. Sectarianism: This workshop asks participants to consider the way sectarianism is still manifested in NI and the reasons for this.  They will look at their own experiences of sectarianism and ways to positively challenge and counteract sectarianism in a range of settings, including in the workplace – Thurs.18th June 10am-12pm
  3. Racism: This workshop examines the experiences of different BME groups in contemporary NI, including Travellers, Muslims and refugees. It looks at the reasons for migration globally and the current challenges this presents for new migrants, refugees and asylum seekers as well as the experiences of long-term BME members of society.  Participants will come away with practical means of challenging racist language and behaviours, some of which they may not previously have acknowledged as being racist – Tues. 23rd June 10am- 12pm


  1. Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation: This course looks at the rapidly changing nature of gender identity and sexual orientation in society, including the differences between the two.  It looks at practical means of challenging homophobia, transphobia and biphobia in the workplace, as well as details on how to establish preferred pronouns and other guidance on engaging with people from a trans, gender queer, gender fluid and other backgrounds – Thurs. 25th June 10-12pm.


  1. Poverty, Empowerment and Lobbying: This course focuses on the changing nature of class identity and class relations in NI.  It looks at practical ways to empower communities, groups and individuals without playing into rivalries between them and successful ways to lobby with and for groups.  This includes putting together a successful campaign strategy on a practical issue identified by the group – Fri. 26th  June 10am-12pm.

Course Dates


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

This course is no longer available for applications.