Understanding Eating Disorders

This course aims to increase understanding of eating disorders and to provide a space to ask questions about these disorders. It is suitable for people working in mental health services, people accessing them and their carers. The course explores what is meant by the term eating disorder, what different types of eating disorders exist, as well as what might help.

This course is offered by the Belfast Recovery College and we include it so we can redirect members to this learning opportunity.  It is open to non members who can book directly at


Courses delivered by Recovery Colleges are co-designed and co-delivered by a health professional and a person with lived experience.  Each Trust has their own Recovery College which delivers free courses in your Trust area

Belfast Trust    http://www.belfasttrust.hscni.net/BelfastRecoveryCollege.htm

Southern Trust http://www.thementalhealthforum.co.uk/recovery-and-wellness/recovery-college/

Northern Trust http://www.mentalhealthrecoverystories.hscni.net/recovery-college/

SE Trust             http://www.setrust.hscni.net/services/2960.htm

Western Trust  http://www.westerntrust.hscni.net/3363.htm



Tutor: Belfast Recovery College

Tutor's organisation: Belfast Recovery College

This course is no longer available for applications.