This course is only available to UNISON members.

POSTPONED They Cut back – We fight back

They Cut Back ~ We Fight Back


Unions and management traditionally work within an industrial relations framework across a range of issues.  A partnership approach does not replace formal negotiations but for some initiatives can offer a different way of working towards agreed solutions.  In the past UNISON has very successfully utilised the approach with the West Belfast Employability Initiative and to improve experience of staff and residents in care homes.   This course offers activists the knowledge and principles of working in partnership in order to take forward projects in your local workplace.   We welcome participation from any activist but is essential for anyone who wishes to undertake a project to effect positive change in their workplace.  The day will explore the

  • ethos of working in partnership
  • setting your goals
  • enthusing others
  • measuring success


The tutor is Caitlin NiChathail, & J P Clayton, UNISON


10am – 4pm


  • Mon. 20 April – UNISON Belfast
  • Tues. 15 Sept. – Armagh City Hotel
  • Tues. 10 Nov. – Derry, UNISON


Course Dates


10:00 am - 4:00 pm

This course is no longer available for applications.