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SKIN TEARS (3 Modules)- Mod1 – Anatomy and Physiology
Leg Ulcer Management Study Sessions: Module 1 – Anatomy and Physiology of the Lower Limb – 20th April – This modules looks into the A&P of the lower limb, outlining the circulatory system, arterial and venous system and how our patients gain Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI). We also outline in the module who is at risk of CVI, including venous resting and working pressures. The module clinically outlines how CVI can result in our patients’ gaining a venous leg ulceration.
Module 2- Leg Ulcer Aetiology – 10th May –– This modules looks deeper into the aetiology of leg ulceration. This includes Venous, Arterial and Mixed Leg Ulcerations. The module outlines, with EBP, what a Leg Ulcer is and how we, as HCP’s, can identify factors that contribute to venous, arterial and mixed aetiology leg ulcers. The module also outlines the signs and symptoms of venous, arterial and mixed ulcerations.
Module 3- Introduction to Compression Bandaging – 14th June
– This modules looks into how compression works, where compression originated, the theory of compression and why it is deemed as the ‘Gold Standard’ to healing and manging our patients with VLU and CVI. The module outlines the differences in Short Stretch and Long Stretch bandages and why leg shaping is so important. We then discuss leg shaping hints and tips.
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
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