This course is only available to UNISON members.


Digital Organising –  13th, 14th, 15th & 19th May 2020 – 10am – 12 noon each day

 This course will be broken into 4 modules you can either register for all 4 or only those most beneficial.

 Digital Organising (Wed. 13 May)– using social media platforms to build a campaign and organise your base. This is a session looking at strategy for campaigning on digital platforms.

This is not a how to use social media a working knowledge of branch Facebook page will be required  

  • Making Digital Posters – (Thurs. 14th May) Using online and digital tools to make your content and advertising look well.
  • Capturing the Campaign– (Fri. 15th May) using the technology available to you and more importantly to members to allow you to capture footage edit and create short videos for use on social media. This session will look at scripting and collecting footage for best video results.
  • Creating your Online room– (Tues. 19th May) Using video conferencing and messaging services to hold members meetings , briefings and host rallies.


Course Dates


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

This course is no longer available for applications.