This course is only available to UNISON members.

Dementia – Understanding Pain

Research has highlighted that people with dementia are at higher risk of experiencing unmanaged pain. This course provides participants with the evidence and understanding as well as practical tools to enable them to assess pain in people with dementia and overcome barriers to pain management. This workshop will equip participants to: Understand how pain is experienced by people in different ways; Describe how damage to the brain caused by dementia may affect a person’s experience of pain; Understand why people with dementia are at risk of experiencing unmanaged pain; Understand the principles and practice of pain management; Be able to apply methods of assessing pain in people with dementia; Be aware of barriers to pain management and plan to overcome these.

Places are limited to 16 participants.

Tutor's organisation: Alzheimers Society NI

Course Dates


10:00 am - 4:00 pm

This course is no longer available for applications.