This course is only available to UNISON members.
Agitating for Political Change NEW DATE TBC
Decisions are made by our politicians in various elected institutions that affect our public services. Often those decisions are about saving money which threatens services with closures. reductions or re-organisation. This one day workshop enabled participants to gain a better understanding of lobbying techniques and how the decision making processes happen so you know when to intervene. This day is in two parts. In the morning, the session will be focus on how the Assembly works – its committees and structures. It will explore topics such as voting, petition of concern, the stages a Bill goes through before becoming law. It will include a tour of the Assembly building. In the afternoon participants will explore the techniques of effective lobbying and campaigning. The morning session and tour is open to any member. The morning will be delivered by Assembly Education Team and the afternoon by PPR.
Dates: 10am – 4pm
Fri. 25 Sept. 2020 – Parliament Buildings Stormont Room – 115
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
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